
Migori Teachers College Recruitment 2024/2025 Eligibility Criteria & How to Apply

Migori Teachers College Recruitment 2024 is ongoing. If you have an interest in working at Migori County Teachers College, we are delighted to tell you that the institution is hiring, and the appropriate steps to apply for this opportunity are detailed here.

Job Overview

OrganizationMigori Teachers College
Employment TypeFull Time
QualificationsKCSE C
Application Start Date19th August, 2024
Application Deadline27th August, 2024
Application MethodApplication Letter
Application FormFree
Application Portal Link

On 19th August, 2024, several positions were announced at Migori County Teachers College. It appeared that the management of the institution showed its interest in filing these positions with devoted and competent candidates. 

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Pertaining to that, Migori Teachers College is inviting Kenya citizens who feel they are qualified to work in her institution to apply for this job opportunity. 

Jobs at Migori Teachers College 2024

  1. Bursar (MTTC/BUR/2024/1 (Job Group ‘J’)) 
  2. Secretary (MTTC/SEC/2024/2 (Job group ‘G’)) 
  3. Nurse (MTTC/NUR/2014/3- (Job group ‘H’)

Requirements for Migori Teachers College Recruitment 2024

The following are the required qualifications for Migori Teachers College Recruitment 2024:

  1. Candidates must be a Kenyan citizen aged 45 years and below.
  2. Candidates must possess a Mean grade C (Plain) in KCSE or its equivalent.
  3. Applicants must hsve a Diploma in relevant field from a recognized institution
  4. Candidates applying must be registered with a recognized professional body
  5. They must have served in a similar position for at least 2 years.
  6. Must have knowledge of position in Migori Teachers College
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How to Apply for Migori Teachers College Recruitment 2024

Eligible applicants should submit their applications accompanied by a copy of National Identity Card, a detailed Curriculum Vitae, certified copies of academic and professional certificates and testimonials to the address below:

The Chief Principal/ Secretary Board of Management

Migori Teachers College

P.O. BOX 123- 40400 SUNA — MIGORI

The application should be forwarded to any of the email below:

Required Documents for Screening

Successful candidates must show proof of compliance with Chapter Six of the constitution by providing the following documents:

  1. Tax compliance certificate
  2. HELB clearance Certificate
  3. Certificate of Good Conduct
  4. Clearance from EACC
  5. Clearance from recognized Credit Reference Bureau. (CRB)